St. George Marathon 2010
I am so proud of my sister!! She trained and worked so hard and finished the St. George marathon!! She did so great, and her time was 5 hours and 26 minutes!! We were so happy to have seen her when she came running by. We were at the last aid station until the finish line. She was pretty sore when we saw her, but I think we helped her get that last 1.2 miles in!

This was amazing to see!

Cooper wasn't sure what was going on! It was so cute to watch him as the runners came by. He would clap and shout random babbles to the them. Super duper cute!
Here we come running down the street with Kiva. Tara and I ran up the street and ran with Kiva for about a block to show our support for her!

We are so proud of our sissy!

Kiva's heavy stone finisher's medal, and boy was she happy to receive that!!

Mommy and Kiva

One proud hubby!

Pax and Carson had some posters made for Kiva, well Kiva was the one that made them, but they were Thomas the Train posters. Paxton's said "Bust your Buffer mom!" And Carson's said "You're a splendid runner!" The other pictures are of Kiva and her family, and also of her taking a break on the grass. She ended up with 7 blisters on her poor feeties! We are so proud of Kiva! Kiva, you have inspired me greatly! I want to run a marathon, I have the desire still and I would love to run 1/2 marathons with you, but I still want to accomplish my goal. Seeing you run and how you can do that in such a short amount of time is amazing, and I know that I can do it too!! I love you sis and thank you!!
1 comment:
cute pics!!!!!!
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