Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Blog!!

Well today's FINALLY the day!! 
Today begins my journey on a better me. 
I have been so down this past week for a few reasons.
1. I was mad at myself for losing my motivation on a new me.
2. I was frusterated at Rob's school schedule, even though it was all in my head and I have been a negative Nancy. 
3. I was feeling sorry for myself because I wasnt being productive in my work at home, my friends, and my family! 
No more.
So with that being said, I decided to do a new blog specifically for my journey. 
I will let you know that I am using this blog to document my ups and downs. I know that there will be awesome posts about an amazing day I had. Then there will be other days when I will be negative and on a PMS rant. Well thats what I am using it for. Its pretty much my fitness diary. But I dont want it to be a secret diary that my brother has to hack into to read. There's no secrets here,
 So I hope you join me in my travels. I will try and post everyday so you all know what I'm doing. 
Thank you in advance!
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

My not so tech side

So has anyone been having trouble with the slow mo video and how they won't upload to Instagram? 

Wheew, I thought I was a loner on this. Haha jk, I know that this is a huge frustration for most. 

Thankfully, your girl Mandy scoured the Internet to find a solution. 

Well, I found one. Thank to the website I found it from. •link to come•

Ohhhh ya! 

Alright, this is a free way of using 2 iOS devices and a simple step. 

Step 1: turn on air drop and make sure you have both devices in their photos app. 
Step 2: select your photo and select yourself using air drop. 
That's my iPad, haha. 
Step 3: Upload to Instagram (using the iOS device you sent it too. 
And wallah! It worked!! I was so happy to find this and for it to work!!! 
Hope y'all found this useful! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tough times call for Dr. Pepper

So yesterday I got hit with some news.
Nothing to worry over... but to me it hit me ||kinda sorta|| hard.
Before I tell you I just have to share how amazing Rob is.
Rob is the hunny bunny, papa bear, my "oldest son", soccer playing dad.
He's #1 in our family, because he is incredible. 

We started dating in high school in 2005 and we have been married for just over 6 wondrous years.

We have our 3 kids that look at him and know he's their hero.

One of my favorite things about him is the way he handles things
He's a very logical thinker, as I am a very.... illogical haha. I am very much "head in the clouds" kind of gal, and there are times I need to be brought back down.
He handles stress so well, and you guessed it...! I don't
I can handle the stress of kids, grocery shopping, organizing, etc, etc.
But finances... that's a doozy.

So Rob works an amazing full time job and is going to school full time || Remember he handles stress tremendously||
So I actually cleaned a local Crossfit gym just to help pay off debt to work towards our financial goals. No big deal right?
So we have cleaned this gym for over a year now and it has recently gone under new ownership. The owner is awesome and he's super nice and extremely understanding. Awesome kind of boss huh!?
So he text me yesterday and let me know that they couldn't financially afford a cleaning "service" anymore. Even though we are not a cleaning service, but whatever you get the point.
My heart sank... I felt like I got fired... which I've had done, once, long story... anyways.

I call Rob almost in tears. I tell him what had happened, and he's actually happy! 
I'm staring at the wall with a blank face... "what did you just say?"

He goes on to tell me how we can have our Sundays back together and he can regain his energy to go to school and work for the upcoming week and not feel the stress of going to clean that place.
I get that...
but the money...
Rob's response is always what gets me. "We have made lots of money in the past and we have had no money in the past. The only thing I know for sure is that I love you and that we will get through whatever comes our way." 
I love him so much. 
My sister said that "Sometimes the hardest trial is the blessing in disguise." I am hoping that this is true in this case. I am doing my budget right now and I can feel the tension. 
I watched a video from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints faceboook page and it really hit home for me. Even though this is a hard time for me, its nothing huge like a death. Its a mere blip in my plan. A test of faith in my Heavenly Father. I have felt the need to pray and to be closer to him so I can know what to do and how to handle this. 
For those who don't know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I am so thankful for that. 
As my day 5 and day 6 of gratitude they're going to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ as well as my amazing Husband.
|| I can guarantee you that wont be the only post about the hubs||
If you would like to more information about this amazing church go here

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My Quinn

Well, I am sitting here, thinking about my family and the gratitude that I feeling towards them. I just felt like I need to express and even do a little bit of history to husband and kids. So over the course of the next few days, hopefully, I will be doing a blog post about my family. I haven't blogged about my youngest yet, and I haven't exactly caught up either. Now I know its going to be impossible to post about ever single thing that has happened in my life, but this is a good opportunity to go back through my photos, organize them, and express the feelings I have. So to start things off I am going to start with my Quinny.

Now last time I left off, Quinn was only 8 months!
Ya, "I'd like to thank the academy for giving me mother of the year award...." 
Ya right...
No, I know I can't beat myself up about this... I mean seriously, I didn't know blogger had an app, and I couldn't do anything about the fact that we didn't have... or need.... a computer.
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So to continue on about my Quinn, Ill just share some of my favorite pictures.
And I what I mean is... make a slide show... of all of her pictures from my Instagram...
So enjoy.
Quinn's Slideshow.
So I just have to elaborate on my gratitude for Quinn.
She is so caring, sensitive, and sweet. She's stubborn, clumsy, and funny. If I didn't know any better, she's the perfect definition of "hot mess" haha, ok that sounds mean. 
You just have to know Quinn. She's become a little more witty, even at the tender age of 3. She's learning so much and is ready to start school. She's constantly looking out for others and always making sure that mom is happy. 
She tests me everyday and challenges me in ways I didn't know kids could, and I thank her for that. 
She's my shadow. She my little bestie and I am so thankful for her. 
I love you Quinn. 
Love mom.

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Catching up

So I was kind of freaking out, thinking that I needed to catch up my blog with photos {mostly if I was going to do a photo book} and descriptions of what has happened since my computer got hair sprayed.
With how popular social media is and how everyone is in everyone else's life, I figured HEY if you want to see what has been going on since my computer got a hairspray shower from Coop, then head on over to my instagram and check it out!! I hope ya'll don't mind lots of pictures of food, fun, and my kids. They're pretty adorbs so I don't think you'll mind!  
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Thursday, March 13, 2014

5 years ago, I became a mother

So now that things have seemed to settle down, I am going to start by updating my blog.... slowly.... I mean we're talking about 2 years worth of birthday's, anniversaries, and events happen and I love to blog about as much as I can. Now that I am back on the blogging scene, I am wanting to extend my horizon and really use this blog for SO many things. So be on the look out for all that fun stuff.

So any ways, with that being said I am going to start with a recent event.

My boy is a big time 5 year old.... I am officially an old lady, haha. No I was really looking forward to this birthday because I feel like he is really understanding holidays and birthdays. He's such a sweet little boy and he is excited for anything! It doesn't matter who's birthday it is, he's freaking out, so when it came to his birthday this past Sunday, he would not stop talking about it. Even now, its been almost a week, and hes still saying its his birthday haha I love him.

So Rob and I asked what Cooper wanted to do for his birthday and he wanted to go golfing, we ended up taking him to the Taylor made golf experience. Cooper and Rob hit a couple buckets and I knew that Cooper was on cloud 9. The great thing about where we were at is that we are right by the landing strip of McCarran Airport, so we would see HUMONGOUS PLANES land. Lucky Cooper, he loves planes!! So after that we went to In-n-out, his favorite place to eat. He always gets a plain cheeseburger with a strawberry milkshake. After we picked up lunch Cooper and I went to Redbox and rented Despicable me 2, spoiler alert, his favorite movie haha.

The day before I asked Cooper if he wanted a store bought cake, cookies, or a home made cake from Rob (He bakes and cooks way better than me, I'm so lucky!!). Cooper wanted a chocolate rectangle cake, and I found some blue icing with fish sprinkles haha. He was on cloud 9 for for the second time, I don't think he has came down from that cloud. That's fine by me. As a mother to a 5 year old, I am so confused as to how I am doing as his mother. But I know that I am so lucky to have such a sweet little boy. I am denying the fact that he is not little anymore, can you tell? But he is so tender hearted, he is always thinking of how to make me smile, and telling me how beautiful I am (Something daddy taught him, again, I am so lucky!). Happy Birthday to my Cooper Roy, your my favorite son.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Getting back to the blog

If I may re-introduce myself, I am back ,with a computer, to the blogging world. I have SO many ideas and things I want to do with this blog. Not only update family, friends, and followers about our little life down here in Sin City but also to utilize this blog to showcase the things I love to do. So sit back and enjoy some updates with my posts, the look of the page, and lots of photos. SO much has happened since my last post so I have a lot to do. *PHEW*

Till next time readers.